Druid Hill Park was established on the eve of the Civil War by Baltimore Mayor Thomas Swann on October 19, 1860. Much of the park started as part of "Auchentorlie," the estate of George Buchanan, one of the seven commissioners who founded Baltimore City in 1729.
Later renamed "Druid Hill," the City of Baltimore purchase the property from then owner Lloyd Rogers in 1860. The purchase was paid for thanks to a one-cent park tax on the nickel horsecar fares.
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Druid Hill Park was established on the eve of the Civil War by Baltimore Mayor Thomas Swann on October 19, 1860. Much of the park started as part of "Auchentorlie," the estate of George Buchanan, one of the seven commissioners who founded Baltimore City in 1729.
Later renamed "Druid Hill," the City of Baltimore purchased the property from then owner Lloyd Rogers in 1860. The purchase was paid for thanks to a one-cent park tax on the nickel horse-car fares.
Street Address
900 Druid Park Lake Drive, Baltimore, MD 21217